TC2030-CTX-20-NL 6-pin “No Legs” Cable with 20-pin Cortex connector for IAR’s I-Jet or Keil’s ULINKpro
As TC2030-CTX-NL cable except it has a 0.05″ (1.27mm) pitch 20-pin connector compatible with i-Jet and ULINK pro.
This Cortex programming cable is the same as the TC2030-CTX-NL cable except it has a 0.05″ (1.27mm) pitch 20-pin connector compatible with i-Jet and ULINK pro. This won’t fit the traditional 20-pin 0.1″ connector such as found on the standard J-Link debuggers).
The cable itself has a ten pin ribbon cable and 6-pin TC2030-NL “No legs” Tag-Connect small footprint supporting ARM Cortex MCU’s.
Note: Cable only supplied, IAR’s I-JET and demo board not included!
Datasheet for TC2030-CTX (different connector)
This product is used in the following debugger/device solutions:
This product is used as part of the following solutions for particular debuggers, protocols and devices. Solutions may involve additional cables, adapters or retaining clips, as well as this product you are viewing now. Click on the solution links to see full solutions and installation instructions where applicable.
IAR I-JET for ARM Cortex using SWD
Cortex-20/MIPI-20 Generic for ARM Cortex using SWD
ARM Keil ULINK Pro for ARM Cortex using SWD
Renesas E1/E2/E8a/E20 for Renesas Various using SWD (via. ARM20)