TC2030-NL-FTDI-C232HD-EDHSP-0 USB to TC2030 No Legs Serial Cable


FTDI’s C232HD-EDHSP-0 to USB Serial Converter cable fitted with a TC2030 6-pin “No Legs” Tag-Connector.



This product is FTDI’s C232HD-EDHSP-0 to USB Serial Converter cable fitted with a TC2030 “No Legs” Tag-Connector. This tiny footprint TC2030 debug connector requires no mating-half connector on the PCB saving target board cost and space.

FTDI-C232HD-EDHSP-0 Specification
VCC Max current: 450mA
UART TTL level signals: 3.3V
Data rates: 12Mbps
Notes: FT232H based Hi-Speed 480Mbps

Nominal cable length: 5.9ft/1.8m.

See also the legged version TC2030-FTDI-C232HD-EDHSP-0. For details of the full range of Tag-Connect FTDI test cables , see the FTDI test cables range summary and full list of available FTDI family cables.

TC2030 Connections

TC2030 pin FTDI Signal Type Description
1  VCC (RED) Output Power supply output
2 CTS / TMS (BROWN) Input Clear to Send Control input / Handshake signal
3 RXD / TDI (YELLOW) Input Receive Asynchronous Data input
4 TXD / TCLK (ORANGE) Output Transmit Asynchronous Data output
5 GND (BLACK) GND Device ground supply pin
6 RTS / TDO (GREEN) Output Request To Send Control Output / Handshake signal